High Risk Merchant Accounts
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Tech Support Merchant Account

Technical support is a growing industry, and it continues to grow by the day as more businesses use technology resources to boost their capabilities and to aid their customers in as many ways as they possibly can. Despite this, a lot of payment processors are hesitant when it comes to providing merchant accounts to technical support companies. 

Credit Card Processing for Tech Support Businesses


Why Are Processors So Afraid? 

Obviously, all banking decisions rely on a variety of factors before making any kind of conclusion regarding merchant acceptance. However, a big part of the equation, in this case, is the reputation that tech support companies have earned as a result of some bad apples. Tech support has become a punchline in some cases because there are a lot of scammers who set up supposed tech support companies just to steal information from people and make a quick buck. The chargebacks on these types of services are typically very high due to unauthorized recurring charges or unsatisfactory service.

Despite all of the scammers out there, it is clearly the case that legitimate tech support operations do exist and must exist to support those companies in need of their services. How then can these tech support companies get a merchant account for credit card processing that they require? 


Flow Payments: The Solution for High Risk Merchants

Flow Payments is a company that specializes in so-called “high risk merchant accounts”. These are clients that others will not take on. Flow Payments is happy to do this work because we know that the door has been slammed in the face of these companies virtually everywhere else that they have gone. At Flow Payments, we want to step in and fill the gap that others have left behind. 

We work with these clients who have been refused everywhere else to help them get the personalized account that they require with a full support staff to back them up as well. We also try to make sure that the account is set up in record time. Tech support accounts can take 2-4 days for an approval as long as we have all the required documents.


Types of Companies That Are Accepted

The companies that are accepted by Flow Payments that are often turned down elsewhere include those who do remote technical support as well as those who specialize in things like e-mail and browser support as well as PC optimization services. These are all incredibly valuable services in our modern economy, and yet there are a lot of people who are turned away from being able to do this work because of the reputational problem mentioned before. 

Flow Payments has deep experience in aiding businesses with acquiring debit and credit card processing along with other vital business resources to companies in this field.  Our years of experience and our relationships with a variety of banks have allowed us to assist with those needs. We know which kinds of companies are clearly going to work out and maintain proper accounts and which are not.


Required Documents

There are certain documents that are required of you before you can open a tech support merchant account. Make sure you have these at the ready so that you can get your account opened just as quickly as possible. They include a valid government ID (such as a driver’s license), a valid Social Security Number, a completed website, a voided check and articles of incorporation. Each of these elements helps Flow Payments satisfy the bank and processor requirements. 

Flow Payments is a company that you can trust to get you the best processing solution with the lowest rates, but make sure you also understand that you will need to provide thorough documentation during the signup process in order to be approved. 


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